Off-Site Investigation of Natural Resources


Burcu Tung

UC Berkeley



The aim of this project is to understand the geological depositional contexts that may have been used by the ancient settlers of Çatalhöyük. Mud and clay are essential materials modified and transformed in Çatalhöyük, used in the construction of houses to the production of figurines, clayballs, and pottery. Preliminary analyses conducted on pottery show that there is at least two different clay resources used in the production of pottery, both which have not been identified. Investigations carried on mud brick show different recipes used by different households. This information is points to the existence of different mud/clay resources used in the settlement. Understanding the extent of access and control over these resources is an important step towards revealing the complex relationships amongst the different households that have been uncovered at the site.



Bu projenin esas amacı Çatalhöyük   sakinlerinin kullanmış olabileceği jeolojik dolgu tabakalarını anlamaya yöneliktir. Kil ve çamur, Çatalhöyük'teki evlerin yapımında, figürinlerin, kil topların ve çanak-çömleğin üretiminde kullanılmak üzere dönüştürülen ve şekillendirilen esas malzeme olmuştur. Çanak-çömlek üzerine yapılan ilk araştırmalarda, çanak-çömlek yapımında iki tip kil kullanıldığı anlaşılmış ancak bu kil tipleri henüz tanımlanmamıştır. Evlerde kullanılan kerpiç tuğlalar üzerinde yapılan araştırmalarda ise kullanılan kerpicin her evde farklı malzemelerle karıldığı ortaya çıkmıştır.Bu bilgi, yerleşmede kullanılan çamur/kil'in farklı kaynakları olduğuna işaret etmiştir. Bu kaynaklara ulaşımın ve kaynakları kontrolün boyutlarını anladığımız ölçüde, yerleşmede bulunan farklı evlerin arasındaki karmaşık ilişkiyi çözmek açısından önemli bir adım olacaktır.


Investigations carried out by Neil Roberts and his team, between 1996 and 1999, have revealed a complex sedimentation history of the Çarsamba River with interchanging periods of alluvial deposition and soil formation. Their research also has also proven that the immediate landscape around the settlement had been modified through querying for marl.

The aim of this years off site sampling program is to build upon Roberts et all .'s work (1996, 2004) to have a more complete understanding of the extent of activities carried out around the immediate landscape of the mound. To understand this, a coring program will take part on up to a10 km radius around the mound. After the first initial coring, 10 areas will be located for opening 2 x 2 m wide test pits within the initial 10km radius. Further work will be carried by opening two 2 x 15 m transects to uncover the Neolithic landscape. The locations for these strips will again be confirmed after the first coring results. Geological samples within these trenches will be collected for further laboratory analyses.


© Çatalhöyük Research Project and individual authors, 2004