It is about a year since the production of the first Newsletter and in that time much has happened to the project and to the Research Trust. Perhaps most significant, we received a 150,000 ECU development grant from the European Union. This has been an enormous boost. We have started building the 'dig house' on the site. So far three laboratories have been constructed and partially equipped and they were used during the field season this year. Another wing of the courtyard building has been started. This will include living and eating facilities so that we can finally move out of our rented accommodation in Çumra. Next year we will all be able to live on site, but most of us will be in tents until we can get more of the building constructed. The construction that has been completed or begun will cost about £100,000. The total cost of the building will be in the region of £400,000!

The Board of Directors of the Trust has been joined by Lady Daunt and Mr Sevket Sabanci who both have enormous experience and many contacts in areas so central to the success of the project. The sponsorship drive has had some success and we are hopeful that the excitement of the 'product' will in the end attract major support.

Another important development has been that the project has appointed an administrator, Amanda Cox who at present works in the project's rooms in the McDonald Institute in Cambridge. Amanda will be dealing with all aspects of administration of the project and with sponsorship.